Moving House Checklist
Moving House Checklist: De-cluttering
- Think about this well in advance. We all seem to accumulate ‘stuff’ over the years. Ideally, discuss this with your family to avoid arguments on the day of your move. As is often the case, you may have a ‘hoarder’ in your family, and there can be emotional ties to personal objects or effects. Do you need all that you have at your new abode? For example, storage space may be different, smaller pantry, smaller linen press etc.
- Eventually, if you wind up filling your wheelie bin, make a run to your local tip with stuff you don’t need. If you don’t have a vehicle/trailer for this task, perhaps think about hiring a skip bin.
- On the other hand, if some of your stuff is recyclable or reusable, consider donating it to a charitable organisation – one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. It’ll certainly be appreciated.
- Do your homework. Think about what could trip you up (figuratively) on moving day. Moving as a whole can be expensive. With this in mind, being super organised on moving day will not only reduce stress, but also save you money by shortening the time taken to relocate. Time is money.

Photo by Julia M. Cameron from Pexels

Moving House Checklist: Weeks out
- Importantly, organise time sensitive issues. If you’re selling, is there any home maintenance tasks that could be better done with an empty dwelling? If so, book tradies/handypersons in advance to tie these loose ends up.
- Alternatively, if you’re renting, book your exit cleaners well in advance – they could be busy. Plus, a good tip is to use an agency’s recommended cleaners. Indeed, this is a very important step to get your whole bond back. Speak to your property manager about timing the exit inspection to get the ball rolling for your bond. Getting it back can take several weeks.
- Hopefully, you’ve taken lots of photos of various parts of the property. Do an emu parade around the place to ensure everything’s the same – or better. Unfortunately, there are still unscrupulous landlords/landladies that will try to take your bond. Some like to use your bond to pay for damage/maintenance that wasn’t your fault. Takeaway from this? Be diligent.
Moving House Checklist: Preparation
- Obviously, movers need to be booked! Reasonably important step here. Work out what day you’d like to move and if possible, during the week. This is the most cost-effective time to go, as weekend moving rates are higher.
- On the other hand, you could move yourself. But here’s the thing. Importantly, can you drive a Pantech (moving truck)? There are truck hire companies that provide rentals that still can be driven with your C class license (<4.5T GVM). Above all else, is it big enough to cart everything you have in one go? Doubtful. Do they come with blankets, straps, sack-trucks, trolleys, dollies, knowhow and strong helpers? Doubtful.
- What is without a doubt, removalists are professional movers. Whereas you & I are just hacks when it comes to shifting furniture & the like. Thinking you’ll save by doing it yourself is counterintuitive, plus, it’s likely you’ll have sore hands, a sore back, and a furrowed brow afterwards too!

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
Moving House Checklist: Packing
- To be certain, there are options here. Packing your own things has the benefit of you knowing where everything is. Conversely, our transit insurance won’t cover your stuff if it’s damaged. It will though if we pack it.
- You can use your own boxes for packing. Ideally, our boxes can be utilised which are tailor-made for moving and are built for strength. Additionally, these are specifically made for ‘Tetris’ in our trucks. To be sure, maximising the available space in our trucks is our thing. Certainly, this can be the difference between one trip vs. two, or the need for a second truck. Preferably, we’d like to offer the former, shortening your move day & costing less too.
- Order more boxes than you think you need and return what you don’t use.
- On the other hand, our pre-packing service is a time saving & stress relieving exercise. What can take you up to a week, we can do in a day or two.
Moving House Checklist: Utilities
- In most cases, transferring utilities will be smooth sailing. Although, to be safe, ascertain early on what of these are any different to your old abode.
- For example, does your new place have large LPG bottles vs. mains gas? Some portable gas heaters will need a conversion kit.
- The internet/NBN may be different in terms of connections. Did you know, there are seven different NBN connection types?! Wow. Check the map on NBN-CO website for your type at your new abode. Also, your black NBN connection box stays at the specific address it was registered at. In essence, these belong to NBNCo. Taking your modem with you is fine.
- Water, power, & landline accounts can be disconnected/reconnected but notify them early to avoid delays. Although, power may still be required for your exit cleaners.

Photo by @brainloc

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels
Moving House Checklist: Mail & Bills etc.
- Even though snail mail is becoming extinct, there are still companies that may still send correspondence to your letterbox. Mail redirection is not all that expensive. Alternatively, save paper by setting up everything via email.
- Remember to notify the Australian Electoral Commission of your new address. You may wind up in a different electorate.
- Registration for your vehicles, as well as insurance. Your garaging address for your wheels will sometimes determine your level of cover, as well as if they’re locked away. Likewise for your driver’s licence.
- Think about any yearly subscriptions you may have. Some are easily forgotten & may be missed if you get your mail redirected for a short period. For example, these could be various insurances, Office365, anti-virus software & the like.
- Regular deliveries. You may get meals (e.g. dinnerly, hello fresh etc.), juices, newspapers, magazines etc. To be sure, you don’t want anything perishable going to your old address.
- Hopefully, you’ve made a list of all other accounts you may have. If not too important, port your new address to them when you’ve settled in.
Moving House Checklist: Access/Driveway
- Liaise with the removalists about access to your residence. Mover’s trucks are tall vehicles so bear that in mind for your driveway.
- Determine the best access to squeeze all your large items thru doorways and the like. If most of these can be moved to your garage, all the better.
- Bear in mind, most movers will have a long ramp to hook onto the tail-lift of their trucks. Ideally, there’s enough room for access without the truck’s nose protruding onto the road. If you’d like to help, please be careful pushing sack-trucks up these ramps. Follow instructions from your movers for a safe day for everyone.
- For those without a driveway, access to a doorway, side gate or other entrance is crucial.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Photo by Julia from Pexels
Moving House Checklist: Kids& Pets
- Depending on the age of your kids (if you have them), they can either be a help or a hindrance. Some kids may want to be in charge of their own stuff, others may shrug their shoulders. Have a family discussion and if the need arises, get a babysitter or handball them to rellies for the day. Having young kids wandering around an open dwelling can turn out poorly.
- Your pets may or may not like moving until you’ve done it at least once with them. Some cats for example, may not be that keen on traveling or relocating. These kings & queens of your household can be given cat ‘Valium’, but this is generally hit or miss & can freak them out. Pet transporter cages can be covered up for the trip if they’re uneasy.
- Make no mistake, moving for your kids can be unsettling. If it’s further away, they’ll have to adjust to a new environment. Starting at a new school, making new friends, playing for a different team can add to the stress of moving. Have an open-ended discussion with your kids about the pros & cons of relocating to a new area.
- If you actually do talk to your pets, use soothing language when you tell them – we’re moving!
Moving House Checklist: Focus on moving day
- Get a good night’s rest before moving day – this will help with stress levels. As will being hydrated. Start the day with water before your coffee or tea. A clear head is a bonus for decision making as well as the physical grind if you decide on helping your removalists.
- Line up all your ‘ducks’. Ensure no outside influences can distract you from or take you away from committing to moving day. If you’re in charge, get someone else to take calls or deal with any wrong ‘uns. Put your blinkers on & focus on the task at hand.

Photo by Bahaa A. Shawqi from Pexels
Moving House Checklist: Conclusion
By no means exhaustive, our moving house checklist is a practical guide for Aussies written in a practical way. Our many years of experience has shown us what works, & what doesn’t. What’s efficient, and what’s wasteful.
We’d like your moving experience to be as painless as possible. Trust us with your valuables with the care of one family moving another. We hope you get something out of Fremantle Mover’s Moving House Checklist.