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Fremantle Movers service Perth’s Southern suburbs, Western suburbs, and out of town moves anywhere in WA. Call for a FREE in-house consultation for your next home or office move.
Yard Clearing now an alternative service we can provide. Bobcat and Tipper hire.

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Plan Your Move

The better planned you are, the less time it will take. Organise what you’d like done 1st, and so on.


Schedule Your Move

What day & what time suits you? Ideally, we’d be chomping on the bit at your place at first light – ready to get it done.

Moving Tips


For one thing, if you consider how many times we relocate in our lifetimes, consider not taking some of it with you next time. If possible, sell, throw away, donate or re-purpose what you don’t need at your new digs. Less to move means less time taken, less space taken & a potential saving.

Pack early, pack right

If you can, order moving boxes early to pack what you may not need for a while. Importantly, proper boxes are tailor-made for strength & rigidity. These will minimise damage to your goods compared to hardware or office-ware store boxes. What may seem dearer are actually better value as ‘tea chest’ boxes, ‘wine carton’ book boxes, and porta-robe boxes all serve their purpose for differing goods. These are also designed specifically for ‘Tetris’ when loading our trucks.

Ideally, you’d use all the available space in a particular box to avoid movement of goods, as well as maximising the box’s integrity. If you can’t, fill voids with clothing or scrunched butcher’s paper.

Label the contents when finished, and tape them up in an ‘H’ pattern – top and bottom. This little trick will improve your box’s rigidity. Bear in mind, not all packing tape is created equal. Removalist grade packing tape is another tip worth the money. Tape dispensers are a good hack too if you’ve got a lot of packing to do. Be particular when packing fragile items, and mark accordingly. Better still, we offer a pre-packing service- which will also fall under our insurance umbrella.

Book movers in advance

As you’d expect, movers can be busy. Warmer months can be hectic for those wanting to relocate, upsize, downsize, tree change or sea change. So, organise your dates and if you’re budgeting, get a few quotes from reputable removalists in your area. Ideally, support your local economy, even if you’re moving away from it.

Breakdown break downable furniture

Okay, some Swedish types of flat-pack furniture probably isn’t designed to be disassembled! With that in mind, pull apart any bed frames, tables, chairs, or anything that’s odd shaped. Anything that’s compactable will make loading the removalist truck easier.

Empty space in storage type furniture? Yes

It should be noted, most cupboards, wardrobes, tallboys, bookshelves, bureaus, drawers, sideboards, and cabinets can store weighty items when they’re stationary. Leaving your stuff in any of these when you’re moving house isn’t best practice.

Why? Some of this furniture is heavy enough as it is – making it harder for removalists to carry. Shelving or doors could be damaged in transit from moving items inside your furniture. Not every road along the way to your new abode is pool table smooth.

However, filing cabinets are an exception. 4 drawer steel varieties can have the lower half full of archived stuff & the same ratio for 2 drawered units. Ideally, wooden varieties should be emptied.

Pack items into moving boxes & label accordingly. If any stuff is on the heavy side, put that in the bottom of boxes, and lighter stuff on top.

The day before, what to do?

Finally, the big day approaches. What now? For ease of access for your movers:

  • House owners – clear out your garage of vehicles & obstructions. Move all of your packed boxes in here & group them accordingly. This will save a great deal of time. Likewise, have all furniture either disassembled or ready to go in there too.
  • Flat/apartment dwellers – ensure there’s adequate parking for your removalists’ truck, or you’ve organised a parking permit if need be. Importantly, access is critical to a stress free(r) day. Especially relevant, notifying your building manager in advance for access to a lift is helpful. If not, notify your complex of a particular stairwell you’d like to use.
  • Office moves – as mentioned, ease of access is the key to a more efficient job on moving day. Stack boxes near the exit perhaps 3 high ready for sack trucks. Specifically, heavier on the bottom & lighter as you stack ‘em. Try to secure a particular lift if there’s more than one. As a side note, if you don’t have an IT guy/gal or dept., take photos of office equipment setups, cabling & accessories. Tables & chairs may go in the truck first depending on size, shape, and amount. Beforehand, consult with our staff on a plan of attack to get your office from A to B quickly & economically.

Our Locations

Fremantle Movers service Perth suburbs South of the river, and western suburbs just North of the Swan.

Our sister company Midland Movers service Perth’s Eastern and Northern suburbs.

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